Whether you have questions about one of our products, which service is best for you, or general inquiries, please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
Whether you have questions about one of our products, which service is best for you, or general inquiries, please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
is the answer you're looking for below?
Gold: 1:1 Personal Training sessions with Dara tailored to meet your individual goals. Using her proven Functional Fitness method, these one-hour sessions will you get you on the fast track to living your best life.
Silver: Join our intensive online programs for personalized fitness, nutrition, and mindset coaching. Connect with Dara twice a month for 30-minute sessions. Ideal for weight loss, strength building, and a healthy lifestyle.
Bronze: This on-demand membership platform contains a variety of workouts for all skill levels and abilities. The convenient, accessible portal is updated weekly with a variety of mobility, strength, and HIIT videos.
Gold medalist Dara Howell is a Canadian icon who broke records by becoming the first freestyle skier to win at the inaugural event at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
A winning combination of small town roots and boundless energy, Dara is approachable and authentic with a proven track record. She embodies a 'work hard /play hard' mentality while championing others to maximize their personal potential.
Dara is a celebrated athlete who has cemented her place as a household name in Canadian culture. Her growth mindset and persistence continue to remain a source of inspiration for Canadians who seek to live their authentic life through health + wellness.
At this time, we do not offer refunds, but you can cancel your subscription anytime. If you're not 100% satisfied with our products, please reach out so we fix it!
Of course! Simply reach out using our contact page here, and request a time to chat with Dara! Together, we'll help figure out the best plan for you and your fitness goals.